I apologize for the hiatus in my blog posts. My post election life has been fun. I have been taking time to relax, work out, visit with friends, etc. I have been keeping up and enjoying the focus on Chicago and the Obama transition. I have to say that it is much fun to watch Chicago from a far when it is 75 degrees in Dallas!
Like many I am very excited about the prospects of Hillary as Secretary of State. I believe it will have a huge positive impact on the perception of our country abroad. But, the last couple days I have been a little peeved at the knocks Hillary has been getting in regards to this possible appointment.
So, it was good to see that Hillary has been recognized for something good!
Glamour Magazine in their Women of the Year edition/program recognized Hillary as the Trailblazer. I'm not a reader of Glamour but I have always been impressed by how they recognize women for their achievements. While in college and grad school, I knew of a couple women who were noted for their achievements in Glamour's college edition of women of the year.
Hillary's campaign staff sent out this information regarding the recognition of Hillary:
Celebrating Glamour’s “Women of the Year 2008:”Glamour magazine honored Hillary Clinton at this year’s “Glamour Women of the Year 2008” Awards ceremony this week in New York. Entertainment Tonight caught up with Senator Clinton, America Ferrera and others. According to America Ferrera: “This has been a wonderful year for women and I think, you know, in large part due to Senator Clinton and I’m always honored to be in her company and I’m very honored to be here today.”
Watch the segment here.
Glamour calls Hillary Clinton “The Trailblazer,” writing: This year Hillary Clinton did something very rare for a politician: She won while losing. No, she didn’t reach the White House—but she motivated a new generation of women of every political stripe.
Read more here.
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