Monday, November 3, 2008

Today, Hillary will be racking up some miles starting in Pittsburgh, Pa then off to the midwest in St. Charles Missouri (St. Louis burb). She will be ending her trip in Duluth, MN. It will be interesting to see where she lands tomorrow.

You can keep track of me tomorrow (fanatic) on Twitter at I will be starting the day at 5:45 am and going to work during the day. Then back doing GOTV until the polls close.

Here are the locations and events for Hillary today:

  • Senator Hillary Clinton will visit the Mt. Lebanon Obama for America Field Office in Pittsburgh, PA.

  • In the early afternoon on Monday, Senator Clinton will attend an Obama for America rally in St. Charles, MO.

  • Later in the afternoon, Senator Clinton will travel to Duluth, MN to campaign on behalf of Senate candidate Al Franken.
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