Monday, September 8, 2008

Cagefight! Hillary vs. Palin?

I doubt that Hillary will be taking on the role of attack dog on last week's temporary "American Sweetheart".
Hillary supporters I know (now turned Obama), are super miffed by the Palin selection and Palin's speech that evoked Hillary and Geraldine Ferraro.

It was an insulting blow and I believe it has mobilized many former Clinton supporters behind the Obama/Biden ticket.

Hillary is now hitting the campaign trail and the question out there is whether or not she will be going after Palin. CNN's Political Ticker conteplates the tone of Clinton's campaigning at

The CNN blog entry quotes the Obama campaign: "Sen. Clinton will address the choice we have in this election – between a new direction for our economy or four more years of the Bush failed economic policies that McCain-Palin is offering," Obama spokesman Nick Shapiro said. "She will talk about the Obama-Biden plan for immediate and lasting relief for America's working families."

I believe that Hillary will stick to the issues of the campaign and may offer a subtle attack of Palin and McCain. But, I don't believe she will be an attack dog. It just won't play well and I am sure Hillary does not want to be portrayed as a a disgruntled former candidate. However, her silence specifically on Palin should not be viewed as any show of support for Palin.

I like a quote posted at the conservative National Revew blog that comments: "As it is, he's (Obama) asking her, "hey, sorry about that bitter primary thing, calling your husband racist, and the lack of campaign debt relief. Could you do me a favor and alienate a certain portion of your voters, obliterate your newfound respect from some corners of the right, and incinerate your chance to head a Democratic ticket in 2012 by making a kamikaze run at America's newest sweetheart, in order to save my tuchus? Thanks." The full entry can be located by clicking here.

Here are other articles worth noting:

ABC's Political Blogger Jake Tapper writes "Hillary Campaigns in Florida for Obama, but Will She Take On Palin?" Click here for the article.

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