Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CNN says "What Happened to Hillary?"

With all the media reports this week of Gov. Tom Kaine and V.P. selection, I have been disappointed that Hillary has been counted out by the press as a top choice. I believe that she would bring a great deal to the ticket and make an incredible Vice President.

In an article on, Senior Political Analyst Gloria Borger comments "From what we can gather, she's not really on the short list". She continues that "The reason Hillary Clinton is out is because she's not on message for Barack Obama, her campaign is not about change, she represents Washington."

A link to the full article is below. It mentions a few key things including:
  • Hillary will hit the campaign trail for Obama in Nevada, Ohio and Florida

  • Sources say that she will be campaigning alot in the Fall
  • Obama campaign feels they don't need Clinton to bring in older women, voters in rural America and battleground states
  • Hillary is fully engaged in talks with the Obama campaign

Link to the article:

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