be there for him next Tuesday,"
President Bill Clinton
I had a wonderful opportunity to see President Clinton up close when he was in Dallas a couple weeks ago. He was campaigning for our Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rick Noriega. Right now I am watching the Obama rally with President Clinton on MSNBC and Clinton is making a great case for Obama. I am so glad to see them together and working hard to win back the White House.
President Clinton was incredible when he was in Dallas rallying the crowd for Rep. Noriega. He had the audience in the palm of his hand. You could tell he was enjoying the opportunity and his visit was certainly a boost to the local Democratic Party and the Noriega campaign.
Back in the winter of 1991, I had an opportunity to meet Gov. Clinton when he visited Southern Illinois for an event in preparation of his presidential primary run. I was in the College Democrats at the time at Southern Illinois University. Our organization was somewhat of a joke because it seemed like everyone at SIU was a democrat.
The Southern Illinois area, the home of former U.S. Senator Paul Simon, was Clinton country (Sen. Simon would be so proud of Obama right now). When Clinton came to visit for the 1991 event, I got a last minute call along with a few other College Democrats to help drive staff and press to the event and the airport. Before Hillary and Gov. Clinton left to fly back to Arkansas, they spent time to meet with us. They were so cool and I will never forget that moment. I always will regret that I didn't get a picture with the Clintons. Instead I got up close pictures of them and pictures with them and other members of the College Democrats.
This past year during the Texas presidential primary I got a call from a member of President Clinton's staff. They needed drivers for his campaign swing for Hillary through Dallas and East Texas. Somehow they got my name and called late at night the day before his visit to help drive staff and other officials. It was funny to get the same type of request but 17 years later! Unfortunately, I was in Florida at the time and could not help out.
I thought you might be interested in taking a look at then Gov. Clinton's October 1991 announcement speech for his presidential campaign by clicking here. This part could be applied today:
"I believe with all my heart that together, we can make this happen. We can usher in a new era of progress, prosperity and renewal. We can – we must. This is not just a campaign for the Presidency – it is a campaign for the future, for the forgotten hard-working middle class families of America who deserve a government that fights for them. A campaign to keep America strong at home and around the world. Join with us. I ask for your prayers, your help, your hands, and your hearts. Together we can make America great again, and build a community of hope that will inspire the world."
Here are some initial news stories about tonight's Obama rally with President Clinton:
From the Boston Globe
L.A. Times,1,6258502.story
Wall Street Journal blog Sphere: Related Content