Monday, June 30, 2008

Molson/Coors beer powered cars at the DNC! No kidding!

Beer Powered Cars!

Thanks to Molson Coors Brewing Company, "waste beer" will be used to power close to 450 flex fuel cars used at the Democratic Convention.

So what the heck is "waste beer"??

Waste beer is beer that is “lost during packaging or deemed below quality standards” according to Coors in a New York Times story.

It appears that Molson Coors waste beer can be converted into ethanol and power GM's flex fuel cars.

You can read up on this waste beer to ethanol effort by Molson Coors on the L.A. Times Top of the Ticket blog by clicking here or click here for the The Caucus, New York Times Politics Blog.

The Molson name gives me really bad flashbacks to several years back when my sister was in law school at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We drank Molson Ice one crazed weekend at the Y-Not II bar and thought the beer was hallucinogenic.

Why was I drinking a Canadian beer in the hometown of Miller Beer? Hmmm! Sphere: Related Content

Kumbaya at the convention... not so sure!

With all the talk of unity and bringing together fundraisers and contributors, the press has ignored the thoughts of delegates heading to Denver. It would be interesting of there was polling of the delegates (both Obama and Clinton) regarding unification, vice presidential selection and other key issues

Sure, the nomination process is over and we have a presumptive candidate but there are many watching the treatment of Hillary and what her role will be at the convention.

I think it is going to be a very messy convention.

Hillary has close to 1,900 delegates. These are delegates who will be active at the convention, speaking to reporters, participating in meetings/caucuses and on the floor during prime time television. A difficult group to control.

Can you imagine walk outs, shouting, booing and major disagreements if things don't go well for Hillary? As a pledged delegate, I was elected by thousands of Hillary supporters who elected me to stand with Hillary and not to back down. I plan on keeping that pledge to those who elected me.

I am sure there are Obama delegates not too crazy with a unified ticket with Hillary and will be very cranky when that takes place.

How to solve this? Hillary should be the VP nominee. It will be a tough convention if Hillary is not at the table. It will be tough to ignore the 18 million Democratic party members who supported Hillary.

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Ohh Oprah! Her digs in Denver and giving Pres.Clinton the cold shoulder!

Pictures above: Bill on the Oprah show and Oprah's vacation home in California.

I have two things to tell you about about Oprah. First she is renting a place in Denver for the convention. The second item is a UPI report that Oprah and President Clinton "barely acknowledged one another" at Nelson Mandela's birthday party.

I haven't seen the Oprah show in a long but the last time I was home sick it was the topic of women who went years without haircuts. They finally get make overs and it changes their lives. I actually watched the entire show. I do think I could have been a great participant in Oprah's show this last season called "Oprah's Big Give". I am a savvy commmunity minded guy who would have done quite well.

I digress. Here is some Oprah scoop!

Oprah renting a place in Denver
Bill Husted from the Denver Post Blog posts on a myriad of Democratic Convention gossip including this little tid bit about Oprah, he reports "Rumors have Oprah renting a house at East First Avenue and Humboldt Street in Country Club". I have included a picture of Oprah's place in California as a frame of reference.
I am sure Oprah has some fancy diggs in Denver and I would encourage her to adopt the environmental friendly green principles of the convention. The Denver Convention has been called the "Greenest Show on Earth". Read the article in the Wall Street Journal by clicking here

Here are my environmental tips for Oprah:

  1. Lose the Farragamo tote and sport one of the 15,000 fanny packs for DNC volunteers made of organic cotton by unionized labor in the USA.

  2. Make sure you use your bath towel more than once to keep from wasting water for laundry.

  3. Use compostable utensils and cups. Have each one of your house guests mark their cup with a marker to promote reuse.

  4. Before you leave for a long day at the convention, turn the thermostat up to prevent the AC from running. We turn ours up to 85 degrees.

  5. Instead of wasting gas, try walking to the convention center, taking public transportation or change out that limo for a Honda Prius.

Oprah and President Bill Clinton snub each other at event.

It seems like Oprah and President Bill Clinton can't seem to share the love and unity. At a recent event it is noted by UPI that Bill and Oprah blew each other of

UPI reports the Bill and Oprah were not friendly at a recent party for Nelson Mandela in London. Click here to read the story.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wisconsin Democratic Delegate for McSame??

I do have several friends still angry about the nomination outcome and at least two have mentioned they won't be voting for the Democratic nominee.

We have too much at stake and cannot elect McBush. Think about how messed up our world is after the last 8 years. War, economy, environment! We need change.

Earlier this month a Clinton national delegate commented to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that she would would be supporting John McBush. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has filed a formal challenge with the DNC. The challenge includes the following points regarding the delegate:

• Violated party rules in expressing support for the other party’s presumptive nominee.
• Violated party rules requiring that delegates be “bona fide Democrats who are faithful to the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic Party of the United States.”
• Failed to honor a pledge that delegates sign stating their intent to vote for the party’s presidential ticket in the fall.
She says she wants to vote for Hillary at the national convention. But, she intends to support McShame in November. What should be done?

For the full story, go to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website at
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Clinton and Obama negotiations

The most comprehensive article on negotiations taking place this week between the Clinton and Obama camps seems to be in a New York Times article that ran Thursday.

Click here for the article.

It appears they are covering issues other than VP selection and include items like Hillary's role at the convention, a prime time speaking spot at the convention for Hillary, if her name will be placed symbolically in nomination, fundraising, President Bill Clinton's role and jobs for Clinton staff with the Obama campaign.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random news stories on the internet

Hillary pictured above talking to her campaign staff on her airplane. This is a Getty photo taken in April.

Obama is picking up Clinton staff

Cleveland Plain Dealer blog reports that Obama picked up a Clinton campaign Ohio staff member to head his communications in Ohio.

I enjoyed meeting Hillary's campaign staff. Everyone seemed sharp and dedicated. I am glad to hear that some are getting picked up by Obama. It's hard to find a job in this economy. Click here for the story.

Newsweek reports findings from a poll that most Clinton supporters are with Obama now
However, the poll shows he is short of closing the sale. I agree. I have many friends angry about the primary and not ready to jump on board with Obama. Click here for the story

Nancy Pelosi does feel that Clinton faced sexism

Click here for the story. I remember watching the election night coverage the night of the NH primary and listening to the guys on CNN trashing Hillary and counting her out.
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The unjust prohibition of fried food at the convention

I am very sad to report that I found a blog entry in the Dallas Morning New's Trail Blazers Blog regarding the Democratic Convention's guidelines for food catering and the unjust prohibition of fried foods.

I guess I will have to wait a few weeks after the convention for our very own fried food paradise, the State Fair of Texas.

Click here for the blog.

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Letter from Hillary, Obama/Clinton meetings, Chet Edwards

I got a very cool letter from Hillary congratulating me on my election as a delegate. It's a form letter but still very cool. This may seem dorky but it is suited to be in a frame or scrapbook worthy (but I don't have a scrapbook).

I am figuring out this blog stuff and have no idea how to add documents like the letter. I may have to scan it and turn it into a jpg file as a picture. Let's see if I am that savvy!

Not sure what to think of the Hillary and Obama meetings this Thursday and Friday. I purely think it is an effort towards unity and fundraising. Hillary needs Obama's donors and Obama needs Hillary's donors and bundlers.

I was very surprised by Nancy Pelosi's suggestion of Texas Rep. Chet Edwards as VP. Chet is a good guy but I think his voting record might scare some democrats. Edwards represents the most republican congressional district of any democratic member of congress. Here is a link to the story in the Washington Post.

But why isn't Pelosi in support of Hillary Clinton for VP? Feel free to comment below. There is an option where you don't have to sign up for anything. Just enter a screen name where it says name.

Peace! Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

¡SI, SE PUEDE! Convention to be simulcast in Spanish with online streaming.

The Democratic National Convention Committee press release announces:

"In keeping with its commitment to make the 2008 Democratic National Convention the most accessible and technologically-savvy event of its kind, the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) announced today that Comcast Corporation will produce simultaneous, online streaming coverage of the Convention in Spanish at" Go to for the full press release.

Dolores Huerta

I have included a picture of Dolores Huerta. She was in Dallas during early voting and was outside my early voting place getting votes for Hillary. She is the co-founder and President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America. Huerta has served as co-chair of the Hillary's Hispanic outreach efforts.

Huerta said this of Hillary: "Throughout her life Hillary has been a strong leader, working for issues that make a difference in every family's life, like education, health care and good paying jobs," said Huerta. "I believe she is the best qualified candidate and the one that's ready to put our country back on track."

I wanted to introduce myself or shake Ms. Huerta's hand but she was working hard outside the polling place. So, I gave her a thumbs up and yelled "Go Hillary". She smiled and said "Yes! Yes!".

Her biography is located at

Her foundation has a great website at

The following is noted on Wikipedia: In September of 1988 in front of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, Huerta was severely beaten by San Francisco Police officers during a peaceful and lawful protest of the policies/platform of then-candidate for president George H.W. Bush. The baton-beating caused significant internal injuries to her torso, resulting in several broken ribs and necessitating the removal of her spleen in emergency surgery. The beating was caught on videotape and broadcast widely on local television news, including the clear ramming of the butt end of a baton into Huerta's torso by one of the helmeted officers. Later, Huerta won a large judgment against the SFPD and the City of San Francisco, the proceeds of which were used in benefit of farm workers. The assault is credited with starting yet another movement to change SFPD crowd-control policies, as well as the manner in which officer discipline is handled.

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Hillary returns to senate. Greeted by senators with high fives and cheers.

Buried in the news today (imagine that), it was reported on CNN Wire that Hillary returned to the work at the senate and she attended the Senate Democrat's weekly lunch. CNN Wire reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called “one of the most emotional caucuses” he’s ever attended on Capitol Hill. He said the New York senator entered the event to a sea of high fives, cheers, and a standing ovation from her Democratic colleagues.

I can't imagine how hard it is to return to the senate after Senators Casey, Durbin, Klobuchar, Leahy, Dorgan, Nelson, Conrad, Kennedy, Dodd, McCaskill, Johnson all worked against her presidential nomination.

Here is the link to the full yet short entry on CNN Wire:
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Great work by Dallas County Precinct 2207

A shout out to Dallas precinct 2207!

Precinct 2207, located in the Lake Highland's neighborhood in Dallas (map of Lake Highland's shown to the left), is home to great Democrats and good people like Jason Mattox, Michael Li, Juan Ayala, Barbara Churchman, Darwin Payne and others.

I googled myself and my name showed up the precinct's blog in an entry about national delegates. This is a great blog with contributions from precinct chair Jason Mattox and contributors like State Convention Delegate Michael Li.

The blog is an excellent tool for the precinct and neighborhood to know whats going on and how to get more involved in the election process. With neighborhood efforts like precinct 2207's blog, our party will do great in November! Keep up the good work!
Visit precinct 2207's blog at
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Hillraisers to deliver deliver between $500,000 and $1 million to Obama

I have not contributed to Sen. Obama yet. Like Hillary, I plan on supporting him for president. However, I am holding off until the VP selection and perhaps the convention.

I am also looking forward to their meeting this Friday and a positive outcome. Thursday, Sen. Obama is meeting with leading Clinton fundraisers.

The Wall Street Journal reports that "Hillraisers say they have been privately assured by Obama finance officials that the senator himself will ask his maxed-out donors to help pay Sen. Clinton's bills".

The article also mentions that Hillraisers (Hillary's key fundraisers) plan to bundle major contributions.

Click here to read Obama to Woo 'Hillraisers' at Mayflower. Sphere: Related Content

Special Thank You Video Sent Today

A special thank you video message and fundraising appeal by Senator Clinton was sent today
Consider giving to help pay off Hillary's campaign debt. As one of Hillary's accomplishments noted by her campaign she "Brought millions of new voters into the Democratic Party from all backgrounds, races, and faiths - over 18 million Americans cast their votes for Hillary Clinton, more votes than any presidential primary candidate in history.
Click on the link below to watch the latest video and to contribute:

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Monday, June 23, 2008

DemConWatch: Shortage of republican convention volunteers for RNC convention

A Denver Convention blog, DemConWatch says "Minneapolis Mayor RT Ryback and St Paul Mayor Chris Coleman are asking for help... even from Democrats."

They are 4,000 volunteers short of their goal.

The Democrats on the other hand have 25,000 volunteers signed up. DemConWatch reported earlier this month: DemConWatch: Enthusiasm gap extends to conventions


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Convention News Summaries

Rocky Mountain News has a summary of convention news stories on one page:

The Denver Post politics blog has a dedicated page to the convention. With some good gossip too... like Oprah renting a house in Denver for the convention.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Convention Committee $10 Million Short

Article also discusses protesters at the convention

Democratic Convention Host Lagging on Funds

Full story at:

By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff WriterWednesday, June 18, 2008; A04

DENVER -- The committee that will host the Democratic National Convention announced this week that it is $10 million short of the $40.6 million it promised to raise by mid-June.
Organizers of the Denver 2008 host committee blame the sluggish economy, the city's limited corporate base and the distraction of the long Democratic primary fight, which Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) won less than two weeks ago.

Colorado officials said they would come up with the money before the convention opens on Aug. 25, likely by tapping the power of Obama's fundraising capabilities.
"We have to raise $10 million or $11 million more. Now that we have the primary season over, it's happening a lot faster, but it needs to happen a lot faster because the convention's roaring up on us," said Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.). "The campaign is now invested in making the whole thing a success." Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Convention websites

There are two websites to check about the Democratic National Convention. They include:

Denver Convention Host Committee
The 2008 Democratic National Convention will deliver a sizeable impact on the City and County of Denver as well as the seven counties that encompass the greater metro area. This site has specific convention information and links for volunteers, donors, visitors and convention goers.

Democratic National Convention Committee
The 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver will be a first-rate, technically savvy Convention. This site serves as the multimedia beginning point of the Convention for visitors.

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DNCC website: "Day in the life” of a delegate

The Democratic National Convention Committee website has some good information. Included is a video about daily caucus and council meetings.

The DNCC also previews the Delegate Severice Day and a interfaith service to kick off the convention.

Click here to check out the videos on the site.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Official Merchandise of the 2008 Democratic National Convention

I am not getting paid for this plug but I was excited to find the official merchandise vendor for the convention. I may get a couple things before I go!

There are pretty cool lapel pins, luggage tags, etc.

The downer is that they say four weeks for delivery!
Click here to check out the site to order. The website is

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Democratic National Convention Committee leadership

Looks like the convention committee is having a hard time raising cash and a top official resigned. Not too good when the convention is less than 70 days away! They are probably doing a great job and it will be a incredible convention. I can't imagine raising millions!

Click here for the full article.

Summary below:

Denver's host of Convention concerns

Sondra Williams, the director for the 12,000 volunteers who will be assisting Democratic leaders and delegates and others during the convention, resigned after 13 months with the host committee.

She left at the end of a training day for volunteer captains and directors held June 7.
"I was not empowered to do my job," said Williams, on loan to the host committee from the National Education Association. "And therefore I felt I just couldn't continue."
She wouldn't elaborate, saying she does not want to malign the host committee, but she said the group was tense over its cash-flow problems. The committee, charged with raising $40.6 million for the convention, missed its final deadline Monday by more than $11 million.
"We all had our disappointments around it, and there was a lot of stress on the fundraising people," Williams said.

A volunteer-appreciation party that Williams hoped to hold at the Denver Zoo would have cost $750,000 and wasn't approved, she said, because of the committee's "higher priorities" of funding the transformation of the Pepsi Center into a convention hall.
Her proposal was rejected after the committee missed its March deadline of $28 million by $5 million, Williams said.

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Republican Party and Diversity???

The Dallas Voice blog, Instant Tea, highlights a press release they got from the Log Cabin Republicans that comments “The Republican Party of Texas is proud of its principles, record and diversity.”

Have you fallen out of your chair yet?

Take a look at the blog entry by clicking here. Then make sure you comment on the story while you're there!
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Key accomplishments of Hillary's campaign

I am proud of our Democratic Primary Presidential Candidates. Hillary's campaign meant a great deal to me. Here are some key accomplishments of her historic campaign:

Hillary and her historic campaign:
* Broke barriers and prevailed over the conventional political wisdom. She became the first woman to win state presidential primaries and caucuses - 23 in all - and blazed open a path for generations to come.
* Brought millions of new voters into the Democratic Party from all backgrounds, races, and faiths - over 18 million Americans cast their votes for Hillary Clinton, more votes than any presidential primary candidate in history.
* Captured a strong and important coalition of supporters including Hispanics, Women, and Blue Collar households - who are now a stronger part of the Democratic family to support a victory for Democrats in the Fall.
* Helped bring women out in record numbers. The number of women who participated in the Democratic primary rose from 7.56 million in 2004 to more than 21 million in 2008 - from 54% of the primary electorate in 2004 to 57% in 2008.
* Inspired Hispanic Americans to participate in the 2008 Democratic primary process in record numbers. This group of swing voters, swung strongly for Hillary by nearly 65% with at least 2.5 million if not more casting their vote for her.
* Despite Senator Obama's advantage among young people and African American voters, Hillary Clinton - throughout her campaign - continued to have an open and active dialogue with both groups on the issues that matter to them and the solutions she proposed that would specifically help their lives.
* Ran a tireless campaign of over the past 18 months with late nights and early mornings. She participated in 1,200 events over 500 days with her longest day on the trail lasting over 26 hours.
* engaged more than 100,000 volunteers and over 10,000 traveling volunteers worked on her behalf to help make 27.3 million calls to voters and knock on almost 1 million doors.
* Used innovative technology to communicate, fundraise, and mobilize supporters. Highlights include microsites like the HillaryHub, FactHub and the Hillary I Know, the Sopranos spoof video, the world's largest political town hall and state of the art phone-banking tools.
* Raised $225 million from donors big and small across America, including nearly $100 million in grassroots donations and over $10 million online in a single 24 hour period following Pennsylvania's primary. These totals were exceeded only by the fundraising efforts of the Obama for America campaign.
* Set out bold and progressive policy proposals that focused on specific solutions for America's families. She addressed the mortgage crisis early, put forth a full universal healthcare plan and laid out a long term energy policy that included a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund. These issues are at the forefront of Americans' minds and the Democratic agenda, and Hillary Clinton will remain on the frontlines of Democracy fighting for all Americans, many of whose voices have gone unheard for too long.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Texas Delegation Hotel for the National Convention

So Texas is a red state...for now. Unfortunately, since we are a red state and the current republican president comes from our state, we get last dibs on hotels in Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Actually, the Texas delegation is staying in Aurora, Colorado at the lovely Red Lion Hotel (recently known as a Radisson).

However, none of the delegations are staying at the Denver Ritz Carlton. For a list of the delegations and their hotel, click here. New York and California are staying at the same hotel, the Adam's Mark. I am sure that place will be rockin! I may have to hang out at their hotel bar and do some people watching in the lobby.

Texas delegates were very concerned of the state of the hotel on our last conference call. I'm cool with it. Wish we were closer to the convention center and at a nicer place.

Check out some of the reviews from Tripadvisor by clicking on the link.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Texas Delegation to the Democratic National Convention Posted

National Convention Delegates & Alternates

Below is a link to individuals headed to Denver to represent Texas at the Democratic National Convention.

This this can also be found at the Texas Democratic Party website.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No Hillary No Votes protesters at Howard Dean event

Democratic Party Chairperson Howard Dean came to Dallas and spoke to local democrats at the Communciations Workers of American Hall. These women were outside across the street after he spoke. They were chanting "No Hillary, No Votes". There were other signs as well.
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary's exit speech

We love you Hillary! Thank you. I am so grateful for your hard work for a better America.

A link to Hillary's speech:
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Friday, June 6, 2008

Elected as delegate to the Democratic National Convention!!!

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Along with Barbara Rosenberg, I was elected as a Hillary Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention from the 16th Senate District in Texas!
It was such a pleasure meeting my fellow delegates and I am honored to represent them in Denver.
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Delegation parties cancelled. Event to recognize The Spirit Of New Orleans

Denver's CBS 4 reports that the host committee's individual parties for delegations have been cancelled. Click here to read the story.

The story explains the reason...

"The Democratic National Convention Host Committee in Denver has run into some trouble. The committee is so far behind in its fundraising efforts it's canceled dozens of big events during the convention week. Host Committee spokesman Chris Lopez told CBS4's Raj Chohan they decided to have one big party instead of a bunch of smaller ones. He claims it wasn't solely about the money, but some of the venues Chohan spoke with said that's exactly what it was about. CBS4 learned the suggestion for one party came from DNC chairman Howard Dean. He wanted a benefit event in support of the Friends of New Orleans. The convention marks 3 years since Hurricane Katrina. The single benefit party means the Friends of New Orleans helps pick up the tab."

The Texas party was going to be at The Wildlife Experience.
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