Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great work by Dallas County Precinct 2207

A shout out to Dallas precinct 2207!

Precinct 2207, located in the Lake Highland's neighborhood in Dallas (map of Lake Highland's shown to the left), is home to great Democrats and good people like Jason Mattox, Michael Li, Juan Ayala, Barbara Churchman, Darwin Payne and others.

I googled myself and my name showed up the precinct's blog in an entry about national delegates. This is a great blog with contributions from precinct chair Jason Mattox and contributors like State Convention Delegate Michael Li.

The blog is an excellent tool for the precinct and neighborhood to know whats going on and how to get more involved in the election process. With neighborhood efforts like precinct 2207's blog, our party will do great in November! Keep up the good work!
Visit precinct 2207's blog at http://precinct2207.blogspot.com/
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