Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wisconsin Democratic Delegate for McSame??

I do have several friends still angry about the nomination outcome and at least two have mentioned they won't be voting for the Democratic nominee.

We have too much at stake and cannot elect McBush. Think about how messed up our world is after the last 8 years. War, economy, environment! We need change.

Earlier this month a Clinton national delegate commented to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that she would would be supporting John McBush. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has filed a formal challenge with the DNC. The challenge includes the following points regarding the delegate:

• Violated party rules in expressing support for the other party’s presumptive nominee.
• Violated party rules requiring that delegates be “bona fide Democrats who are faithful to the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic Party of the United States.”
• Failed to honor a pledge that delegates sign stating their intent to vote for the party’s presidential ticket in the fall.
She says she wants to vote for Hillary at the national convention. But, she intends to support McShame in November. What should be done?

For the full story, go to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website at
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