Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hillary's PAC: 4 Months, 75 Candidates, 30 States

The following was distributed by Hillary's campaign office along with the Washington Post article "Democrats Have Reason to Celebrate: Hill PAC Is Back". Click here to check it out.

Here are some interesting tidbits:
* Since becoming active again in July 2008, Hillary Clinton’s political action committee, HillPAC, has supported Democratic candidates in races across the country, especially Obama-Biden.

*Hillary and HillPAC have organized over 200 events, fundraisers, and emails for over 75 great Democratic candidates in over 30 states across the country.

* Hillary has raised over $10 million for Obama-Biden.

* HillPAC has given almost $500,000 to date from direct and online contributions to House and Senate candidates in races across the country.

* Hillary and HillPAC have organized over 60 fundraisers for Obama-Biden and House and Senate candidates in New York and around the country.

* HillPAC’s website,, raises funds for congressional candidates through "Spotlight E-mails" and mobilizes Hillary supporters to volunteer for candidates up and down the ticket through the "Hillary Sent Me!" program. The "On the Trail" page and "BlogHillary" also features video, photos, and updates from the campaign trail. The site will soon debut an innovative organizing application through Facebook - stay tuned for more.

* In the last week, Hillary has campaigned in Florida, Nebraska, Minnesota, New York and she’s heading to Pennsylvania, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Texas and New Hampshire in the days to come!
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