Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Interesting news items worth noting

Five news stories I thought I would share with you....

Hillary to do more campaigning for Sen. Obama
According to the Obama campaign, Hillary is heading off to Florida and Las Vegas to campaign on behalf of Sen. Obama. These will be solo appearances.

McGovern: Demo party convention too scripted
It's not the good old days anymore, but I think there might be some excitement this year that the convention. McGovern thinks we are boring in this short piece.

Hospitality training in Denver
I never thought of Denver as a unfriendly city but convention goers should expect to be enthusiastically greeted. I might be a little crazy after seven days of being enthusiastically greeted!

Denver Courts and Jail getting ready for convention

I don't plan on getting arrested but it seems to be pretty good news that things will be taken care of quickly in Denver. I wonder if the same will take place for the republicans?

Denver brews special beers for the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Drink beer? Yes we can!

The best idea I heard this week. A special beer for the convention. I will give this a try and let you know!

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