Hillary campaigns for Obama in New Mexico. New Mexico has some great possibilities for pick ups in congress and in their state legislature. Hillary can certainly help out in states she won.
Follow this link to the article: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-08-17-clinton-NM_N.htm
The New York Times reports "For Convention, Obama’s Image Is All-American" . They note that the message of the convention is being tweaked and the one of the core goals about Obama is to is to stess that “from his background, he has a deep understanding of what American families face.” Read the article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/18/us/politics/18convention.html?ref=politics
Ruben Navarrett a columnist with the San Diego Union-Tribune (and a good guy who was at the Dallas Morning News) writes "Obama must convince America he's one of us". The article is located at http://www.mercurynews.com/opinion/ci_10229688
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