Tuesday, June 24, 2008

¡SI, SE PUEDE! Convention to be simulcast in Spanish with online streaming.

The Democratic National Convention Committee press release announces:

"In keeping with its commitment to make the 2008 Democratic National Convention the most accessible and technologically-savvy event of its kind, the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) announced today that Comcast Corporation will produce simultaneous, online streaming coverage of the Convention in Spanish at DemConvention.com." Go to http://www.demconvention.com/spanish-simulcast/ for the full press release.

Dolores Huerta

I have included a picture of Dolores Huerta. She was in Dallas during early voting and was outside my early voting place getting votes for Hillary. She is the co-founder and President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America. Huerta has served as co-chair of the Hillary's Hispanic outreach efforts.

Huerta said this of Hillary: "Throughout her life Hillary has been a strong leader, working for issues that make a difference in every family's life, like education, health care and good paying jobs," said Huerta. "I believe she is the best qualified candidate and the one that's ready to put our country back on track."

I wanted to introduce myself or shake Ms. Huerta's hand but she was working hard outside the polling place. So, I gave her a thumbs up and yelled "Go Hillary". She smiled and said "Yes! Yes!".

Her biography is located at http://www.doloreshuerta.org/dolores_huerta_foundation.htm

Her foundation has a great website at http://www.doloreshuerta.org/

The following is noted on Wikipedia: In September of 1988 in front of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, Huerta was severely beaten by San Francisco Police officers during a peaceful and lawful protest of the policies/platform of then-candidate for president George H.W. Bush. The baton-beating caused significant internal injuries to her torso, resulting in several broken ribs and necessitating the removal of her spleen in emergency surgery. The beating was caught on videotape and broadcast widely on local television news, including the clear ramming of the butt end of a baton into Huerta's torso by one of the helmeted officers. Later, Huerta won a large judgment against the SFPD and the City of San Francisco, the proceeds of which were used in benefit of farm workers. The assault is credited with starting yet another movement to change SFPD crowd-control policies, as well as the manner in which officer discipline is handled.

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