Obama and Hillary are appearing together this week. Caroline Kennedy is also with them in NYC. Obama gave a 30 minute speech at a Clinton debt retirement party.
Maria Gavrilovic at CBS News From the Road Blog reports that Obama completed his speech then dashed back on stage to say "Senator Clinton still has some debt. And I could have had some debt if I hadn’t won so I know the drill”. Click here to read the CBS News From the Road Blog.
On another website, Susan Estrich (former presidential campaign manager for Dukakis) has a great opinion piece on Hillary's debt and Obama. I can certainly understand how hard it is to raise money to pay off debt... it's not very glamorous. Also, I can't imagine asking after a hard primary. To be honest, I was completely unaware of the tradition that Estrich mentions that "it's an old tradition in politics for the winner to help the losers retire their debt." Take a moment to read her op ed piece by clicking here.
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